


"...even there your hand will guide me, 
your right hand will hold me fast." 
Psalm 139:10

     In Psalm 139 the psalmist is talking about the presence of God.  He has created us, knows us, and is with us everywhere.  There is no place we can flee from His presence, nowhere we can go without His hand to guide us.

  I think that is a marvelous thought.  When talking about being with God, we definitely cannot go by our feelings.  Some days we feel far from God, or at least apart from Him.  Some days when we're experiencing meaningful fellowship with Him, it seems He is right with us.

Ultimately, His presence with us doesn't change at all depending on our feelings or thoughts.  He is the same and has promised to NEVER leave us.

    You can count on the fact that whatever your day brings, all you have to do is reach out your hand and you'll find GOD is walking right there beside you.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. This is something we know when we think about it. However, it is easy to loose track...especially when things become difficult. A good way to start the day is to ask God to remind you that He is nearby. He does not leave even in times (actually especially in times) of trouble.

    God bless...
