
"In His Presence Is Where I Want To Be"...Wednesday

Hanging out with Jesus has got to be the best place to spend my time! It is so amazing when I am experiencing the Lord's presence that nothing seems to matter except Him!  All my cares and worries and major concerns just melt away! He is my utmost focus and I feel so safe with Him!
His Word tells us in Psalm 23:3 
"But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel."

The word enthroned meaning: give or ascribe a position of authority. Because of the power of our God and His powerful position and intense love for us, He literally shows up in the praises of His people.
I don't know about you but that takes my breath away to be able to be in the very presence of our Most High King as I enter into His throne room with my praises. There is nothing like it and will never be anything like it.
My goal is to spend more and more time with Jesus to the point where the things on the earth do not matter. He is my everything, and in His presence is fully where I want to be all the days of my life.

In His Loving Presence, 
Sandy Billingham

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