
Inhaling Faith... Friday

Devotional for 2/6/15

I have been literally taking in every bit of faith I can possibly get my hands on.  I have been an emotional wreck the last week.  (Not a new thing for me, but, reoccurring.)   I have really had a very hard time with the Empty Nest, which really took me by surprise.  So anyway, fighting and masking the emotions has not been a good thing for me.  I was sick with  a cold/cough, not feeling too bad yet, I decided to take a few bags of things to the thrift store for donations.  I guess I was thirteen minutes past the time they accept donations.  I started to cry.  The poor young man must have seen the look on my face as he said so sweetly, "I can't take the Halloween item, but, I will take the bag of clothes.  It will be our little secret."  God bless that young man!!  He blessed me.  I couldn't be angry, I couldn't say anything except Thank you so much!!  I still cried when I got back in my pick up, but, I was also so amazed at how God puts these little blessings in our lives that prove to be huge. 

I spend most of my spare time taking in all the faith thoughts and words that I can.  I need them to help me carry on through each day.  It is a real challenge for me to get things done these days.  I feel like I live in too much clutter, and don't know where to begin.  I then realized that I had already begun.  I had those two bags of clothing and household items to give away.  I was overly blessed by a complete stranger when I did that....and I have started a new project of purging and shredding the old papers that I have hidden in drawers and closets.  Also, a new bag of "thrift store blessings" to add to as I find things around my house that need to be moved on to bless someone else in their home.
Thank you, my dear wonderful and ever so loving Father for placing that wonderful young man in my Saturday, through the tears you brought me, you also brought me more of a blessing, knowledge and your amazing peace to my heart by showing me that I am not suppose to do everything in one day.  When I inhale your faith I am able to see the blessings through the tears and the trees, as well as know that I can and will get all things done within your time with your will, not mine.
breathe out love

I love you, Father and I want you in every breathe and every word and every action of all my days.

Express Gratitude Daily!!
Written by Kelly Dobyns

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