
SETTLING... Saturday 2/14/15

Devotional for 2/14/15                                                                            

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." -- Philippians 3:13b, 14  (NIV)
Philippians 3:14 (75 kb)
     We all like the familiar, the secure, and the safe.  It is difficult for most of us to step out into unknown territory to explore the new, the creative, the untried, and the untested.

     Some behaviors, like habits, take time and work to be established.  The problem is, many times we choose the comfortable and 'settle' for what we are and have, rather than choosing God's 'best' for us.

      Life is a process in which we constantly change.  God does not want to leave us in a comfortable position which just settles for the old.  He wants us to strive toward the prize of being the best He intends each of us to be.  It isn't easy.  It is work and it takes effort on our part.

   Which would you rather have -- the old you which just stays mediocre or the blue ribbon you which is God's very best?  Don't settle -- strive.

written by Carol Steficek

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