

Devotional for 3/22/15

Some quarrels are over small, rather insignificant things, yet they can pile up or get blown out of proportion.  Consider for example the famous toilet paper roll argument of hanging it "over vs under," which was supposedly finally settled when the original patent recently received global attention.  ("Over" was the original plan, for those of you who haven't heard!)  Yet there likely will still be those who argue about which is more appropriate, better, tidier, or less likely to unroll too much!  And then there are those who never even hang it, but just set it on the back of the toilet or on the sink or a shelf within reach.  There are also the proverbial discussions about where to squeeze the toothpaste tube (end or middle of tube), how to fold towels (halves, thirds, etc.), which way to put the silverware in the dishwasher (handles up or down), etc.  Check out this article with a hilarious video of weird things couples fight over:


(You will have to copy and paste this link into your browser...for some reason it did not become a live link)

Other discussions are about more important things, like moral issues and what the Bible teaches about them.  Even so, when those talks ensue, we must be careful that we approach them with humility.  That way it is less likely to become a verbal fight.  Arguing can be a sign that the people have an issue within themselves, such as overcompensating for an inferiority complex, or wanting to have our own way out of pride, etc. Addressing the issues with love is generally much more convincing and successful.

James 4:1-2, 6  (NIV)  What causes fights and quarrels among you?  Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?  You desire but do not have, so you kill [hate].  You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight... But he gives us more grace.  That is why the Scripture says:  "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." [from Proverbs 3:34]

Dear Lord, help me to be humble when I present the truths found in your Word.  Help me to remember your own humility as you came down to earth and sacrificed yourself on the cross to deliver me from the punishment for my sins.  Thank you for forgiving me when I have been prideful or argumentative.  May the words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, and the actions of my hands be acceptable in your sight.  In your name I pray,  Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. I roll it from the top,,,fold towels in half although my mother did in three...and i try to roll the toothpaste from the bottom...I even do a clip on the bottom that I can move it up as I use the paste...smiles.What is the difference? Why are these things so important? It all is just a matter of preference. Better to concentrate on the important things of God than to argue about matters of human preference. Thank you, Jan

    God bless,,,
