
Behind Closed Doors...Tuesday


As Christians we acknowledge the fact that God is omnipresent. He sees all, hears all, and knows all. We sure do demonstrate this belief in church.  We put on our best smiles, attitudes, and behavior. However, what happens outside of the church walls? Are we really salt and light, a witness to Gods love, mercy, and grace? Would we be okay with Jesus hanging out with us for every second of our day, no matter where we went, what we were doing, or who we were keeping company? Here are a few statistics regarding Christian behavior verses non-Christian behavior;

"Gave money to a homeless person 
or poor person, in past year
 Born Again Christians - 24%; Non-Christians - 34%

“Watched an X-rated movie in the past 3 months"Born Again Christians - 9%; Non-Christians - 16%

"Your personal financial situation is getting better"
Born Again Christians - 27%; Non-Christians - 28%

“Have been divorced (among those who have been married)"
Born Again Christians - 27%; Non-Christians - 23%

A recent survey by George Gallup Jr. revealed a startling trend in our culture. According to Gallup the evidence seems to indicate that there are no clear behavioral patterns that distinguish Christians from non-Christians in our society. We all seem to be marching to the same drummer, looking to the shifting standards of contemporary culture for the basis of what is acceptable behavior.

Addressing a national seminar of Southern Baptist leaders, George Gallup said, "We find there is very little difference in ethical behavior between churchgoers and those who are not active religiously...The levels of lying, cheating, and stealing are remarkably similar in both groups.

Did you know 1 in every 4 Christians has committed adultery?

 “Just as He 
who has called you is holy, 
so be holy in all things you do; 
for it is written: 
Be holy because I am holy”
1 Peter 1:15-16

God understands our human nature. He knows that we fail sometimes and we struggle in certain areas. We should take time once in a while to examine our lives and ask ourselves, “would I do or say that if Jesus was standing right next to me?” If we are honest, the answer would sometimes be…no. So, the next time we turn on the TV we should stop and ask ourselves if God would approve? The next time we start to get caught up in gossip, we should remind ourselves that God is listening too. We should always live our lives as God wishes because He ia truly all knowing and because we desire to do right.

 Let us be a real living testimony to God’s holiness. 

Written by
Storm Hendrickson

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