


"Again and again I sent my servants the prophets, who said,
 'Do not do this detestable thing that I hate?' 
But they did not listen or pay attention;
they did not turn from their wickedness
or stop burning incense to other gods."
 Jeremiah 44:4,5

God continues to warn all of us today through His Word, just as He did in the Old Testament days.  He expects a certain standard of morality and He expects us to have no other gods before Him
    Far too many people, even Christians, live on the periphery of godliness.  God is not looking for just an hour worship on Sunday, or an occasional prayer when in trouble, or a Bible that sits on the shelf collecting dust.  God wants each of His children to have an intimate relationship with Him.  He expects us to live according to His standards, not those of society.

     God expects godly values, commitment, and service to others.  He loved us enough to send His Son to redeem us with His blood sacrifice on the cross.  Now He expects us to give attention to our lifestyle to win others by our words and deeds
     Can others see God by your lifestyle?  Pay attention!

Written by 
Carol Steficek


1 comment:

  1. Let us return to "Our First Love" and practice the virtues that please Him.

    Creator bless...
