
LOST IN DOING...Saturday


"For it is by grace you have been saved, 
through faith -- and this
 not from yourselves, 
it is the gift of God -- 
not by works, 
so that no one 
can boast."  
Ephesians 2:8.9


     Even people within the body of Christ can get as lost as the rest of society in 'doing.'  There is so much to be done in life.  Productivity and activity are highly valued.  Many people who retire feel they are of no use anymore because they can't fully participate in activities and jobs as they used to do.

     God doesn't look to busyness -- He looks at the heart.  He wants all of us, as His body, to look to the spiritual life.  Remember the story of Mary and Martha in the New Testament.  He praised Mary because she chose to sit at His feet and learn from Him while she had the opportunity.

     We need to learn to spend time daily with the Lord.  We need to grow in His Word and learn to listen to His voice.  We need to communicate with Him in prayer.

     We can become too preoccupied with this life, even with activities within the church, and fill all of our time with 'doing' and clutter our minds with busy thoughts and plans.

     God gives us grace to do all we need to do.  Everything has been done for us in Jesus Christ.  He longs to become an intimate friend with each of us in this life.  Take the time to sit at Jesus' feet daily and just be with Him.  

Don't become lost in doing.

Written by 
Carol Steficek


  1. It is so easy for people to delude thenselves with the idea that while you are busy beyond belief that we are serving God. What He hopes for from us is quality time where we are not running around DOING!

    God bless...

  2. Corinne,
    Thanks for using one of my favorite songs! Carol
