
Silver Boxes...Thursday


When I first began to read the bible and do a bible study I attended a luncheon in January. the decor was beautiful...all silver, dark blue and white painted manzinita branches. On every lunch plate there was a little silver wrapped box tied with a silver ribbon. I still have that little box in a drawer in my kitchen. It was at almost 20 years ago.

After lunch there was a teaching that was presented by the person who put the lunch together. This teaching really resonated to me. Rather than just tell the lesson I am going to ask some questions as I explain.

I do not have to police disagreements around the table ever. Why? Because all of my children are grown and moved on. Back in the  day some of the discussions got a bit heated. I really did not like that. At this luncheon I learned about a writer named Florence Littauer. She had several children, and she had taught then the importance of being an encouragement to others. There was a special rule in the Littauer house that especially at the table all words spoken were to be uplifting and encouraging. This rule was based on a verse from Ephesians... 

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,
but only what is helpful for building others up
according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians 4:29

One Sunday Florence Littauer was asked to teach a lesson for the children at a church she was visiting. She spoke to the children regarding the Ephesians 4:29 scripture. They talked about how important it is to say uplifting things to each other...expecially at the table at dinner time. One little girl raised her hand. She was called on, and she told the group that it made her think that all of her words should be wrapped up like silver boxes and given to others. A couple of years later Florence wrote a book about this and called it...you got it...SILVER BOXES.

Father, please help me to remember to watch my words as I speak to others that they always be words of encouragement. Let me speak to others as I would like to have them speak to me. Thank you, father.

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa


  1. It is very important to treat others not just as you would like to be treat but to treat them as God treats us.

    God bless

  2. I love this. I'll be posting this in our school area :)
