
God Sees Us Lovingly...Tuesday

 4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us
 to be His very own through what Christ would do for us; 
He decided then to make us holy in His eyes, without a single fault—
we who 
stand before Him covered with His love.
Ephesians 1:4
Living Bible
Last Saturday, I tried to settle down and read the Bible after asking God to let me see what He wants me to see in whatever I was going to read. I opened to the table of contents, closed my eyes and pointed. My finger ended up pointing to the gook of Ephesians, and so I read and journaled about the first chapter. Something I thought that seemed to be the point of v. 4 was that as God foreknew before the beginning of time who would be called to Him though Jesus in the fullness of time and built into that was the fact that God chooses to see people as pure and good who have been chosen. I don't think that means overlooking our shortcomings, but rather seeing as we hope to be and who He knows are created to be.  It is known that people are sinful and cannot ever completely leave that, we have a propensity for sin. However, He looks at our overall picture, and as the ultimate loving Parent who loves and accepts us anyhow. Good thing.
God has chosen us even before we were born, because He already knew us.
Jeremiah 1:5 says,
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, 
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." 

That is pretty powerful. He has given us each gifts and power through His Holy Spirit. We should be utilizing those gifts and power to do His work. Once we became saved, God no longer see us, He only sees the blood of His son covering us.

However, we must continue to walk in the light 
and ask for forgiveness when we fall short.

I do not brag, 'tis not my place
They say, "There, but for the Grace of God, go I
By some amazing heavenly drawing
Not by any merit in myself
I have been adopted into eternal life
My stained and flawed soul ore looked
Not for lack of trying to achieve
That which I think God expects of me
Those being my thoughts surely not His
For when called by Jesus Christ to follow Him
It meant that His Father, now my Father
Sees me with loving eyes
As already the person I try so hard to be
Which is my eternal identy

Thoughts on Ephesians 1:4
                                                                   chosen to be holy and blameless in His sight...
Written by
Corinne Mustafa
          with input quoted from                          
                      Storm Hendrickson


1 comment:

  1. It is amazing that God has chosen to see us as blaneless i His sight as He careated us to be from all eternity
