
"God's Rich Goodness"...Wednesday

Sometimes we may get the idea that we have to wait until we get to heaven before we can really experience God's goodness. God's Word tells us that is just not so. 

His Word says in
Psalm 27:13...

"I would have
lost heart, 
unless I had believed, 
that I would see 
the goodness
of the Lord,
 in the land
of the living."
David had a beautiful relationship with God and knew what His goodness was like. He was always making exuberant declarations through-out the Psalms and Psalm 27:13 was one of them.
God loves to pour out His goodness upon His sons and daughters. He came that we may have abundant life on earth. He is good to us always and delights in blessing us!
When those times of weariness come upon us and we feel as though we may lose heart, remember the declarations of David in Psalms. Believe that you WILL receive the goodness of the Lord right here on earth and rejoice in His Amazing Goodness!! 
In His Great Goodness, 
Sandy Billingham

                                 A song for this topic............

1 comment:

  1. Therefore. since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. 2 Corinthians 4:1
    If that threatens to happen remember the promises that are found in the Bible especially Psalm 27:13.

    God bless...
