


"...because by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever
those who are being made holy." 
Hebrews 10:14

     How do you see yourself?  Are you someone who was criticized by your parents or peers and so feels like a failure?  Do you see yourself as 'a cut above' other people so don't think you're so bad?  Do you see your sins as so bad that you wonder how God can really love you?

     We see ourselves as frail and fallible human beings.  We see our mistakes and weaknesses.  we see how we'd like to be and just never quite reach our goal.

     How does God see us?  If we believe that God's Son, Jesus, is our Savior, God sees us clothed in Christ's righteousness.  YES, like is a process of sanctification by the Holy Spirit as we are being made more and more into the image of Jesus as we live.  We haven't truly reached perfection yet.  We will when we are raised from the dead and are glorified to live in heaven forever.

     I remember a poster with two kittens on it, one saying to the other: "Be patient, God isn't finished with me yet."  Be patient, God is working on you every day.  God already sees the finished product.  We are made perfect in the blood of Christ.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. We need to stop putting ourselves down and believe that we are a work in progress and the Worker is God. With Him as the Potter our vessel is on the way to becoming perfect.

    God bless.
