
NO GOD?...Saturday


"But mark this:  
There will be terrible times in the last days.  
People will be lovers of themselves...
lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God --
 having a form of godliness but denying its power." 
II Timothy 3:1a, 4b

     I'm not sure that when a person is lying on his deathbed, that there are any real atheists.  Most people have some explanations and ideas of the meaning of life and what to expect after we die.

     Think about what it means if there is no God.  You can live as you want and die in despair as life here will have no meaning.  You will have no hope beyond the grave. You will never see your loved ones again.  There is no one to forgive you of your sins and no one to help you with your problems.

     The fact remains, even if the whole world thinks He doesn't exist -- God does.  Even if the whole world thinks it can play by its own rules -- God makes the rules and will judge all of mankind by His standards.

     What is happening today is evidence of the last times as accurately prophesied in the Bible.  No God some say -- won't they be surprised to see Jesus' second coming!

Written by
Carol Steficek

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