
FRIEND OF GOD...Saturday


"...and he was called God's friend."  
James 2:23b

     Most people are familiar with the Old Testament patriarch, Abraham.  He was called God's friend.  Another prominent Old Testament man was Moses.  He actually spoke to God fact to face as one friend does to another.

     What God seeks from each of us Christians, who claim to follow Him, is friendship.  Yes, God wants an intimate relationship with you and with me.

     What are the ways we can foster this relationship with God?  God wants us to tithe (bring Him our best and first offerings), and to worship Him faithfully with other believers, and to pray (talking to Him about our deepest needs and concerns and thoughts), and to read His Word daily for wisdom and direction.

     Just as we have to put time and effort into our marriages, friendships and other earthly relationships, we have to expend the same time and energy to become a friend of God.

     Who are we human beings that God not only created us but now He wants to have a relationship with each of us?  Wow!  I have the opportunity now on earth to become a friend of God.

Written by
Carol Steficek 

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