
Hearing Small Voice...Thursday


 And they heard the sound of the LORD God
walking in the garden in the cool of the day, 
and Adam and his wife hid themselves 
from the presence of the LORD God 
among the trees of the garden  
Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, 
“Where are you?”  So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid….
Genesis 3:8-10

     Lately I have been thinking about the things I don’t want to let go of, or deal with, or feel, or let God into, or listen to HIS voice speak into and these have been things I want to handle, figure out and pretty much do Myself and My way..and as Dr. Phil would say, “how’s that working for you?”.  It’s not.  I really haven’t been able to find the answers in most of these areas.  So, I asked God to start speaking to me about my issue, and have found; sometimes I want to hear, sometimes I don’t, sometimes I go ahead fast so I don’t have to think about it and can do it my way…None of this is working.  I am pretty much hiding in the garden!

     I am taking it moment by moment, trusting God to guide my day, and asking HIM to speak in the area that I have walled off for myself …First I had to see the area I haven’t let HIM into, asking forgiveness for not wanting to hear His voice in this area, giving HIM permission to have this area of my life, and HE has been faithful to allow me to hear, “small voice” ..I am still choosing, at times, to do things my way and not listen; but am finding out the hard way, I would rather do things HIS way.

I don’t want to hide, and I don’t want to be hidden…I want to talk to my best friend and enjoy HIS fellowship and walk in step with HIM I guess that makes me a “daddy’s girl”.            
  May today be a day

Written by
Kathy Bireley

1 comment:

  1. We all need to seek quiet and try to hear the still voice of the Lord. It is a .blessed thing when we achieve this. Let's all try to hear it. It will change our lives!

    God bless...
