
As the World Turns...Monday


I have no question concerning how I feel about the new Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage. I truly believe that this new ruling is outside of the will of God. However, I also believe that nothing happens on earth if God does not allow it. He has given us free will, and our choices do not always reflect his plan for us.This is hard to conceive or understand. I feel that, like the gates and walls of Jerusalem decayed and fell in the time of Nehemiah, the gates and walls of our country are seriously decaying. At every turn of the head or broadcast news there is a new outrage or disgrace for us to deal with. It is hard to know what to do or where to turn. 

I was in the car with my thirty four year old daughter who is visiting me this week from Minnesota. I have noticed that she is not so immersed as I am about the horrors that seem to be constantly happening all around us. I started talking about the Bible and God's word which would condemn this new ruling. I was glad that we had this discussion, because her seeming lack of judgement about these things was hard for me to understand. I just did not like it.

Here is what she said. I feel it showed much wisdom and that she had her reasons for what she thought. This is the gist of what she said. "Mom, Jesus never spoke of homosexuality, and He must have known about it when He was on earth. I feel that it is our job to find out for ourselves what we hold and believe, and then we must live by it. Our job is to pray about things we know are wrong and not set ourselves up as judges.  Our job is to live correctly as we see it from God's word. Jesus told us to love one another, that is our major job now. I think we need to show people love.  
The rest is God's work. God will take care of the rest.

I am still up in the air about my responsibility 
to speak into the life of someone who is living outside the law of God and just how to do it. I think that I need to pray and ask God to lead me in the way I should go about this situation...to give us the words He would like me to say.  Of course, we need to pray for our country as there is so much need. I just wanted to share what my daughter said which blessed me and might bless you. 

Still the only rainbow I ever want to see 
is the one that God put in the sky 
as a reminder of His love for His people.

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

Sanctus Real singing
"Lead Me"


  1. Corinne, I agree with you about knowing where I stand personally on this subject, but that it is so hard for young people who are immersed in the culture not to be swayed by popular argument. It is hard to know how to take a stand, when God calls us to love, and to not judge others on their sin. At the same time, if Christians don't take a stand on moral issues, we have to ask ourselves it we are contributing to the moral decay of our country. It is a challenging issue to be sure, and one I am praying for guidance about, as I see the impact in my own family and extended family.

    1. It is heart breaking. I am still flailing around in my head about what would be a way to stand in the gap about this. It seems that the entire country has gone off the cliff. The sight of the white house decked in rainbow colors is an insult to the entire country, That house is not the property of any president who lives in it...it belongs to the people of our country. I do not mean to take this blog to become a political blog, but this issue does need some sort of comment. After all if we as Christians do not move at all we might as well just hand over what is not theirs to take. Thank you for your comment Rebecca.
