


"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace."  
I Corinthians 14:33

     Are you living a life of disorder and clutter?  Have you tackled so many projects that you don't have time to do any of them well?  Are you presented with many 'roads' to heaven and don't know which story to believe and which example to follow?

    You need to open a letter.  God has given you 66 of them in His Word, the BIble.
In it He will give you orderly accounts of those ordinary people of faith who have gone before you.  He will give you guidance for living a productive and fulfilling life.  He will give you wisdom in making decisions and setting priorities.  He will give you joy in living.

     Most of all, God will tell you all that He has done for you.  He loves you so much He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a cross for your sins.  He has reserved a place for you in heaven as a free gift.  The Holy Spirit is waiting to fill your life with faith so you can walk the rest of your life in peace.  God's love will fill you.

     The Bible is an orderly and complete account of all we need to know for this life and for the next.  Confused?  Open your Bible to read and receive the peace that passes all understanding in Christ Jesus.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

Here is a song that is written as if Jesus is singing it.
He sings of all that He saw in the flawed people 
that He met  and loved while He was here on Earth.
Please listen to it...I have posted it before
because I find it so touching.
He does not see the flaws we have
but He sees our spirits and loves us
the way we are 
and as we were created.

1 comment:

  1. There is a book and Cd's called "The Story," In the introduction It is stated that the Bible tells the story of God's love for His people. Today the devotional tells us that this is the model for living well and not helter skelter with no direction. Things we need to know about living need to be considered in light of the wisdom found in the Bible.

    God bless....
