
"Got Fruit?"...Wednesday

A few weeks back as I was watering my lime plant I noticed several very tiny limes beginning to grow. I was extremely elated to  see them because since I had the plant, which has been a few years, this was the first time I actually got fruit!
I take that physical fruit of the limes for me in a spiritual context as well. I feel like my Heavenly Father will be producing more fruit through me this year.  And I realize that has a lot to do as to how I live my life.
It says in John 15:5  

"I  am  the Vine,  you are the branches. 
He who abides in Me, and  I in him,  bears much fruit; 
for without Me you can do nothing."

A branch draws strength, nourishment, protection and energy from the vine. If the branch is not firmly connected, it becomes weak and can eventually die. That applies the same Spiritually for us as well. If I choose to not stay connected to Jesus and slouch off in my prayer time and reading the Bible, I can become very dry and lifeless in my walk with the Lord.
As we become strongly connected and rooted deeply in our relationship with God, that is when the fruit begans to develop and blossom and branch out. Rich fruit is a result of having healthy fellowship with the Lord.
I can not wait for my limes to develop fully so I can make Key Lime Pie! But even more so, I can not wait to see what the Lord has for me along the lines of producing more fruit through me!
Desiring to Bear Much Fruit, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. All good plants bear fruit. If we are on the Lord's vine we will bear good fruit. Hope your day bears much fruit from the vine you are on.

    God bless,,,
