
GPS ...Saturday


"...because those who are led by the Spirit of God 
are sons of God."
 Romans 8:14

     Back in the days before the GPS systems, whenever my mother and I traveled we used road maps.  On long-distance trips we could order a set of maps from our auto insurance and those maps would take us step-by-step along our route to our destination.  My mother never could read a map very well.

     With all of our modern technology, I have heard stories of GPS systems occasionally giving wrong directions.  It pays to be careful traveling to make sure the way is sure, correct, and safe.

     Christians are blessed to have an internal guidance system -- the Holy Spirit.  The great thing about this is that if we seek His direction we can trust Him explicitly.  He leads us in a sure and certain path, even on never before traveled roads in life.  His way is always best for us.

     So if you really want to have a safe journey throughout life, don't rely upon your GPS system, trust the Holy Spirit's guidance through the Word of God.

Written by
Carol Steficek

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