


"In repentance and rest is your salvation, 
in quietness and trust is your strength..." -- 
Isaiah 30:15a

     Repentance means to turn around.  It means to return to God.  This is not something which mankind is quick to do.

     We search for strength, rest, and quietness in about any form imaginable except God.  People tend to think that what they are and become is "self-made."  Some of the most popular books on the market are those in the genre of "self-helps."  The topics are endless.  Most of the advice is soon forgotten and the books lie on the shelf collecting dust.


What we should learn is our need to return daily, even hourly, to our God.  It is only in Him that we find all we need for this life.  God must be our constant companion. 

     Want to find help that really is effective and will last the test of time?  Return to your God.  He created You, loves you with unconditional love, and wants to lead you through a fulfilling life.

Written by
Carol Steficek 


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