
"Set Your Affections On Him"...Wednesday

Scripture tells us   
"Set  your mind on things above, 
not on things on the earth." 
Colossians  3:2

It takes time to set our affections on things above. Especially when life has so many distractions. There are multiple things that are constantly crying out for our  attention each and every day.

The good news  is that once our affections are fixed on the things above and on the Lord, our hearts cannot be easily altered. As  we are seeking Him, His will, His ways, His character, we truly become fixed on Him. That is when  our heart,  our mind and our will, our affections, our desires are focused firmly on the Father above. 

We can continually seek the things above and experience an increase and a richness of the Lord  and His many benefits.

As you set your mind on the things above, you will enter into a deeper dimension of the fullness of the Lord and experiencing His presence and knowing Him more.  

That is where I want to be!! That is where there is much of His Life and Light and greatness of all that  His is!! Set your sights on Jesus and soar with Him!!

In His Affection, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Focus on God is a habit that will keep you centered in all you do,
