
"Tasting Of The Lord",,,Wednesday

Last summer we  had a major dilemma  with one of our trees in our backyard. On one of  the larger branches, the bark had been completely stripped off, and other branches may have been in the making of that happening. We were majorly shocked! We discovered that the squirrels were taking the bark and using it for their homes. Well, knowing my husband, he would find a way for that to come to a halt. He started putting out traps for them daily with yummy bait, and when he would catch them, they would be completely removed from our premises. He continues to do that today, and our trees are fairing very well.
This morning as I sat on our patio in our backyard, I noticed a squirrel that would keep coming around enticed by the bait inside the cage. He would hang out for a short  time, just long enough to smell the bait and a tiny taste, and  then  run out  without the cage latching. He would do that several times tasting and scurrying away. As I came back out this afternoon, I noticed that the squirrel had been captured and there was no way out for him this time. He hung out way too long tasting and enjoying the bait until it was too late!!
As I thought about the squirrel today how he kept coming back for more of the bait to taste it time and time again... that it is a parallel with the Lord how He loves for us to keep coming back to Him over and over again. His Word tells us in Psalm 34:8 

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts  in Him!"
We have the capacity to choose and delight in the Lord continuously throughout our life. We can come before Him and taste His goodness and greatness as long and as much as we would like.
I encourage one and all to "Taste and see that the Lord is good!" 
You will never be disappointed!
Tasting in the Lord, 
Sandy Billingham



  1. When we taste the goodness of the Lord we are blessed. No taste is better than this. Better than chocolate...wink!

    God bless///

  2. I love this! Yes, when we choose to taste the goodness of the Lord, and enjoy the sweetness, we come back for more and more. The more we want, closer we get to Him, until we are "captured" by His Grace!

    This method worked on those squirrels and it has also worked on nuts, like me!
