


"This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: 
God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all." 
I John 1:5


God is light.  Apart from Him is only darkness.  We all need to be grounded in the Bible which clearly points to walking with God in the light of the life He gives

The world we live in is filled with darkness.  People are searching for the light in many places and not finding it.  Satan disguises himself as "light" when he only leads away from God and His truth and further into darkness.

     Some examples of searching for light but finding darkness: black magic and the magical arts, the occult, tarot cards, fortune telling.  People are searching for guidance and support from things other than the true God.

     Often we don't take the concept of Satan or hell seriously.  They are real.  Heaven is all goodness because it is filled with the light of God's glory.  Hell means separation from God's presence so it will only be darkness and sorrow and pain.

    God wants us to walk in the light of His presence now and for all eternity.  Open the Bible and find light in the Word of God.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. We tend to feel a bit uncomfortable in the dark. This could be physical darkness. It also holds true when we mentally feel in the dark or confused. We hate to feel that we are clueless about the way to do something There is good news in this devotional. God is Light that never dims. We can depend on His light.

    God bless...
