
See the Gifts...Friday

July 24, 2015

There are so many gifts in this life; gifts that people give us, gifts we give others, gifts that we have inside of us, gifts we give to ourselves, gifts we create, etc.  The thing we must remember about gifts is that every one of them comes directly from God, no matter how we acquire it.  I love James 1:17 and I have to share both of the following versions because they each have a lovely description of God’s gifts.

 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
James 1:17  English Standard Version (ESV)

So, my very dear friends,
                                        don’t get thrown off course.                      
        Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven.
         The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light.                        There is nothing deceitful in God, 
                                            nothing two-faced,  nothing fickle.                                                                                                                He brought us to life using the true Word,                                                                  showing us off as the crown of all his creatures.                                                                 James 1:17-18                                                                  The  Message (MSG)

 As I am reading these verses over again and again I am so falling in love with The Message version.  I love to visualize the descriptive words as I read them.  It warms my heart and fills me with hope as it reminds me that we love an honest and amazing God.  A glorious God that gives us everything me need and more.  We don’t always know or see the gifts that are right in front of us and that is why we have these beautiful words of the bible to remind us who created us and what we have right at our finger tips.  When we open our hearts and feel the gifts we are surrounded by there is no better place to be.  Today, I am going to choose to see my gifts, even the ones that I have been ignoring, neglecting and even abusing, because I didn’t open my eyes and heart wide enough to see the treasures right in front of me.

Written by Kelly Dobyns



  1. I love the visualization that comes with both versions of that Scripture. It reminds me of the line from the hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness, "There is no shadow of turning with Thee..." His gifts to us are true and unchanging, starting with the greatest gift of all--salvation. Thanks Kelly!
    BTW: I love the music of Lauren Daigle!!

    1. Thank you so very much Rebecca!! Your words truly bless me!! I love that you have sharing your feelings regarding my devotional. I love Lauren's music as well! Have a beautiful weekend! XOXO

  2. We need to reach a place in our lives where we can thank and appreciate the gift that meets us every day in the mirror as well. Our Lord created us and who we are - however we look at that moment - is a reflection of how well we can (or cannot) share the light within us. The salve of salvation can be poured out and flow over all of us!

    1. Hi Lynda, Thank you so much for that reminder! I am learning so much about how I feel about myself; the fact that I am a gift to so many and I need to love myself as I am. I have spent too much time worrying about others judgments of me...letting them hurt and effect me. God made me the way I am for a reason. :-) I love you! You are a wonderful gift to me. XOXO
