
THE FUTURE...Saturday


"It gave me great joy to have some brothers come 
and tell about your faithfulness to the truth 
and how you continue to walk in the truth." 
III John 1:3

     Some people look forward to tomorrow so much that they miss the day in which they are living.  They never quite focus on the day and its projects and blessings but look for tomorrow and wish if it were only so.  If only...

  Each day we get out of bed we are one day closer to heaven.  Yet we can't be so heavenly minded that we neglect today.  God doesn't want us to dwell so much on the future that we miss the present we live in daily.  God wants us to continue to walk in faithfulness to the truth.  He wants us to do what we must do regardless of the outcome.

     We need to learn to focus on what He wants us to do today and leave tomorrow to Him.  We must continue our walk into the future one step at a time -- guided by God's powerful and loving hands.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. This devotional points out to us that we must operate in our walk in the present and have thoughts about the future. However we must not only live for the future. We must walk in the present laying the foundation in this time for the walk we will walk in the future.

    God bless...
