
"For The One"...Wednesday


I am become quite fascinated with the passage Luke 15:1-7 of the parable of the Lost Sheep. It moves my heart as Jesus shares on leaving the 99 sheep to go after that Lost Sheep. And the best part of all when that sheep is found, He lays it on His shoulders, rejoicing! How much more when a sinner who repents, the outbreak of  rejoicing  that transpires in Heaven!
Oh how our Heavenly Father so radically and fiercely loves His people. And for those that go astray.. He does whatever it takes to bring them back into the fold. He woos us and draws us  back very tenderly, yet  sometimes firmly. Our Father never gives up on us!
There may be times we don't think we can make it another day... we may be discouraged, overwhelmed, distraught, heavy laden...maybe  ready to throw in the towel.  Our Precious Daddy will scoop us up in His arms and hold us tight..  and carry us on  His  shoulders, gently whispering  in our ears His Love for us, reminding  us that we can do it!! 
 "What  man  of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave  the ninety-nine  in the wilderness, and go after the one  which is lost until he finds  it?  And  when  he  has found  it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.  And when he comes home,  he calls  together his friends and neighbors, saying  to them, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my  sheep  which was lost! I say to you that likewise  there  will  be joy in heaven over one sinner who  repents  than  over ninety-nine just  persons  who need no                                                 repentance."
                                                            Luke  15: 1-7
In His Fierce  Love, 
Sandy Billingham 


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