


"But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit
 the righteousness for which we hope."
Galatians 5:25

 Women, especially, enjoy wearing jewels.  There are so many beautiful stones -- clear diamonds, purple amethysts, red rubies, and hundreds more.  But it is the way they are cut and polished by the jeweler that brings out their beauty.  It is the facets of the stones that reflect their light.

     Just like jewels, Christians are to be a reflection of God as the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  We are to reflect God's grace to the world.  We are to beam forth the light of His brilliant love for all mankind.

  To do this we must be in His Word daily to gain the wisdom and power to live in the Spirit and proclaim His salvation to others by what we do in thought and words and deeds.

     What are you doing in your daily life to be a reflection of the Spirit of God who dwells in you?

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. I love the concept that says when we do good then it reflects God and gives glory to Him, He shines his light on all of us and what we do with it is according to our free will. Let today be a day when we choose to let God's light shining on us be obvious by our behavior.

    God bless....
