
"Through Jesus Eyes"...Wednesday

What would it be like if we truly saw each person through the eyes of Jesus.  If we woke up each morning and asked the Lord to help us love and see  them as He actually does. If our hearts were moved with deep compassion every time we encountered those that do not know Jesus...  those that are sick, hopeless and poor. If every panhandler we saw, that we would take the time to really care and pray for them and yes, even give them a little money for a burger and coffee.
That is my heart's desire.. to see as Jesus sees... to love as Jesus loves.... to care as Jesus cares. 
As we look at the scripture in Matthew 9:36, you can clearly see the deep compassion in Jesus' heart. Let's take a look at it...

"But when He saw the multitudes He was moved with compassion for them,  
because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd."
Jesus was moved  with compassion and fully aware of their needs, pain and suffering. He made sure  each need  was met. 

He is our role model on how to love "the one" that He puts in front of us each day. As we seek Him  and cry out to Him, He will give us the capacity to love as He has called us to.
As we fervently press into the heart  of our God,  He  will teach us to have His eyes to see as He sees and  to be deeply moved to reach out with the Father's Heart.  
The Lord works through us as we yield to Him and see as He sees, bringing transformation that will change a life forever!
In His Deep Compassion, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Jesus sees His people with eyes of compassion...compassion for our weaknesses and understanding of our shortcomings. He loves us and rejoices over us when we follow His example. There can be no other model to base our lives and behavior on.

    God bless...
