
A Balancing Act....Monday

The cafeteria had been practically empty for the whole shift. Spring break was just around the corner and few students were eating in. As the student staff cleaned and chatted a man who appeared to be homeless came in and asked if they had anything they could give him. The sweet young woman at the register said she was sorry but she couldn't help him. The other students reminded her of the food that would be going to waste. Resisting their pressure and pleas she turned the homeless man away. 

She did her job. She was diligent and faithful. But what about the food that would be thrown away? As she properly kept the rules did she miss an opportunity to do good? Of course, it wasn't her food to give away. Could the group of students have pulled together and paid for him to come in and eat a hot meal? 

Listening to this true story, I thought of our pastor's message about the art of rule breaking. That same young woman has a heart for missions and hopes to be able to go to a country that is closed to missionaries. She will probably have to break a few rules to teach about the love of God. She will no doubt sacrifice financially to fulfill this call of God in her life.

As I consider the struggle to balance between doing what is right and following man-made rules, I wonder how I am doing in my own life? I have no right to waste other's resources that are in my care. But am I recognizing and acting on opportunities God sends my way to do good? I wonder.

To love him with all your heart,
with all your understanding
and with all your strength,
and to love your neighbor as yourself
is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."
Mark 12:33

Dear Lord, thank You for the opportunity to do what is good. Please give us eyes to see and hearts to understand and recognize what You are showing us. May we use our hands, our smiles, our resources, to do what is good each day. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

"My Own Little World" performed by Matthew West

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we walk a thin line when we see things that need attention, but we are held back by rules and regs. We need to learn how to hear God when He is telling us how to react and prayerfully follow His direction. He will be showing us that there will be a way to do what He is needs us to do.

    God bless...
