
GOD'S THRONE...Saturday

"But about the Son he says, 
'Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, 
and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom." 
 Hebrews 1:8

We think the world is in turmoil and embroiled with so much going on that we can't keep up with the news.  Things change so rapidly in society and with technology that we can barely keep our heads above water.


News flash!  There is more going on in the heavenly realms than on earth.  God controls it all -- the seen and the unseen worlds.  Jesus sits at the Father's right hand to rule and reign.
     Now of course, if you don't believe in God or heaven or hell you will have difficulty connecting to this.  Satan and his demons are real in the atmosphere above the earth, waging spiritual warfare with all of us.  God's throne is in a heaven above that, enveloped in light, from which He rules and controls all that is going on in the entire universe.  This is the realm where angels reside to do God's bidding and where the spirits of the departed saints live.  This realm of the unseen must encompass more than on this earth.
     This sounds mysterious and far away, and yet God is close to those who believe in Him and seek His presence.  So how do we reach up to God and catch His listening ear?  We do this through worship and prayer.  God wants us to recognize who He is and that we have our being in Him.  Praise and thank God for everything and you'll find He will come to dwell in your heart.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. In all the chaos and confusion in the world our main consolation and pleasure is the fact that God is near to us, If we draw near to Him, He draws near to us.

    God bless...
