
I WILL KEEP YOU...Saturday


"I am with you and will watch 
over you wherever you go,
 and I will bring you back to this land. 
I will not leave you until I have done 
what I have promised you."  
Genesis 28:15

         What a wonderful promise to Jacob.  What a wonderful promise to us as God's children.
     Sometimes we are apprehensive about new adventures whether it is a new job, a new home, travel, or whatever.  We don't know what to expect and we often don't feel in control so this brings anxiety along with a certain element of excitement. Remembering this promise of God should give us peace and assurance.
      God's promises do not depend upon how we feel.  God's promises are a continuing reality because of who He is.  They do not depend upon us.
       God does not give us this promise only for special occasions or new seasons in our life.  He gives this assurance to us on a daily basis as we go about our routine in life.  He promises never to leave us no matter what happens. 
       Take heart as you live today -- God will surely keep you.

Written by
Carol Steficek


  1. WOW! The Creator of the universe has our backs and keeps us. This does not mean that there is some kind of magic shield that shields us from all difficulties. It does mean that God watches over us and in the end He turns challenges into happenings from which we can learn and grow.

    God bless...

  2. "God's promises do not depend on how we feel." What a wonderful, reassuring statement! To know that His promises and His commands are never circumstantial. His perfection always is - and covers my flaws with His grace - every day.
