
The Great Day...Thursday


Our whole story from beginning to end is told in the Bible. It is the story of God's love for his creation and especially the crown of His creation...His people. It is our history from the Garden and from the days of Adam through the Second Coming. The stories in the Bible are like a geneology of our ancestors from the beginning and throughout the Old and New Testaments. The end is still before us, but there are lessons to be learned from Genesis and through the Book of Jude in the New Testament.

We get lessons from the stories and losses of our OT ancestors which show us that all God wanted was fellowship with His creation and to show them His love that is without boundaries. He held no boundaries for us in His love. The entire New Testament is a testimony of God's love and plans for us. After all he had sent is Son to bring us the Good News and there is nothing that is better than that!!

So at the end of the OT there are 400 years of silence until the Birth of the Messiah heralded the beginning of the New Testament...the times of offered salvation from God in spite of the fact that we are still in operation as a difficult and stubborn people. God never has given up nor will He ever give up on us. This is our final time in Creation and Jesus has presented us with the choices that will allow us to be with Him for all eternity. The Book of Jude is an Epistle that precedes the Book of Revelation and offers us the suggestion...
24To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and
to present you before his glorious presence without fault 
and with great joy—25 to the only God our Savior 
be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ 
our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!

Then we open Revelations, the the final book of the Bible, Revelations, which tells the end of out Story with God.  It has dire predictions about the end times. There is much to face and some say the faithful will be raptured away from that challenging time while others say we will face it just like everyone who is alive in those times.  The important thing is to remember, after the last seven years, is that it is the time of Jesus returning to collect His saved ones. We know how it will end for us if we have it right with God. Perhaps there will be trials, but we need not have fear or worry. He will be taking us home.
It is our story as God has been writing it since the Garden.

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

This is a beautiful song about the wonders of "The Great Day" when the work of Our Story will be completed.

1 comment:

  1. Life is hard and has been so since the beginning of time. We live in a fallen world due to the choices of our ancestors. The important thing is that the entire book of the Bible is the story of God's love for us and how He refused to give up on us. The next step is to come when we are called home on "The Great Day."

    God bless...
