
Your Mess is Mine...Monday

Grabbing my sunglasses from my purse as I wove my way through the bakery department I steered the cart with one hand trying to avoid shoppers and cookie displays. Some thought at the deli counter had brought tears to my eyes and I could tell I was very likely to have bright red eyes and nose from the pressure of unshed tears. Now I was actually crying behind the privacy of the sunglasses. Lovely dark sunglasses that provided protection but made it difficult for me to find which gallon of milk I wanted.

My sensitivity level is always high on 9/11. I learned to respect anniversaries such as D-Day and the Attack on Pearl Harbor. But I and everyone of a certain age joined those of national heartbreaking experience when we lived through that terrible Tuesday in 2001.

Image result for live at peace with everyone if it's possible imageSo when I borrowed my daughter's car and listened to the song below, I appreciated more than ever the artist's description of a loving relationship and how when we are committed to someone their struggle matters to us. When we choose to love and accept the other person right where they are at: their mess becomes our mess.

To me this message explains how millions of us who have no personal connection or loss in one of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, or the field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania were yet shaken and broken hearted and still grieve over the memory of that day. 

The beauty of someone loving another person enough to embrace the whole package, mess and all, reflects the love of God. 

But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us,
 by the fact that while we were still sinners,
 Christ died for us.
 Romans 5:8 AMP

So we have come to know and to believe
 the love that God has for us.
 God is love,
 and whoever abides in love abides in God,
 and God abides in him.
 1 John 4:16 ESV

Dear Lord, thank You for being aware of us and loving us before we ever became aware of You. Please help us to love You, and to love our neighbors, near and far, known and unknown, as much as we love ourselves (see Luke 10:27). In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Vance Joy performs "Mess Is Mine"


  1. The magnitude of the losses of 9/11 are such that any person with a tender heart would keep the horror in their hearts. Even when the happening is just a blip in the news of the day it behooves us to anguish with our sisters and brothers known and unknown who are in anguish.

    God bless

  2. And let us use the news of the losses of those around us as reason to pray for them and to give Thanks to the Lord, for all of the ways He has protected us.
