
Boo! The Month of Fear....Monday

My halloween costumes were usually home creations. Pinned, tucked, or tied into a witch, a gypsy, or a hippy - I smiled for my Mom's Polaroid camera- and with a flash - a memento was created. Who knew that what was intended for my mother's nostalgia would become the source of much amusement to my children!

Back in the day, trick or treat bags were filled with homemade goodies far more than store bought treats. Did your parents sort through all you received? Mine did, too. But it wasn't just a technique to claim a few of their own favorites. News reports of tainted treats created an atmosphere of fear - and many families were cautious.

Now more than ever, our news is full of very real and scary things: shootings, wars, terrorist attacks, and an economy that is still struggling in many regions. People we love and care about struggle with disease, drugs, alcohol, despair, loneliness, abuse, mental illness, and grief. Indeed, there are many things to fear.

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you!
 Don't be frightened, for I am your God!
I strengthen you--yes, I help you--
yes, I uphold you with my saving right hand!"
Isaiah 40:10 NET

 "...and weep with those who weep."
Romans 12:15b NLT

Dear Lord, please help us to understand that when we fear, and when we weep, You are with us, holding and comforting us. As we grieve and support our loved ones through their struggles and challenges - we thank You for being there. No matter what lies in our particular valley, You are with us. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

"You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman


  1. I love your prayer; as it reminds us to not just pray for the things that impact us personally, or the things we are aware of for others, but for the nameless struggles and challenges that need our prayers every day!

    1. Yes! Thanks for pointing it out to me as a reminder, too!!!
