
Remember the Days of Small Things...Thursday

10/22/15 ›

Today will be the first Thursday that we will be sharing the writings of Brother Thomas Ukwute from Nigeria. His writings are very insightful and interesting. He posts his thoughts and ideas on Facebook. They are written in English, but this is a second language for Brother Thomas. His writings will be edited by Jody Ward to make his perceptive conclusions more understandable  to the speakers of American English. We hope you will enjoy reading Brother Thomas' thoughts on scriptures and beliefs.
                                                                                                                         Corinne Mustafa

“The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house and his hands will also be the ones to finish and complete it. When this happens, then you will recognize and understand that the Lord of Heaven sent me as His messenger to you,” said Zechariah.

“Who despises the day of small things? Who is disappointed because so little progress is being made? Does anyone dare despise this day of inconspicuous beginnings?

But they will be glad when they see Zerubbabel, carrying a plumb line and continuing to build the house. They will rejoice when they see the capstone in his hand.

They are the eyes of the Lord which run to and fro throughout the whole earth.”

Zechariah 4:9-10

Growth is dynamic and takes you from one level of experience to another, from one level of knowledge to another.

But always remember, no matter how big your exploits, do not forget the days of small things. Those days of small beginnings were the days of building the foundation on which your life and future would stand.

It was the time of acquiring needed experience from the various encounters in the dark valley that you went through in the process of growth. Your commitment level then was authentic and your hearts were opened to rebuke and correction. Those valleys, and your response, helped mold your spiritual character and your value systems. That is what has made you who you are today.

Not recalling those days of small things would mean throwing away the key to your value system. Many people who have forgotten the days of their small beginning have lost those very qualities that endeared them to the people around them.

If you draw a line from the day you met Christ to where you are today, how straight will the line be? How straight is your course in terms of your commitment, the level of the fear of God in you and your knowledge of the Lord and His word? Can you say for sure that you are remembering your small beginnings and holding onto those value systems make you different from the ordinary men on the street? Do you retain the lessons of life’s dark valleys that now give you access to the platform you stand on today?

Zechariah said, “ the hand of Zerubbabel had laid the foundation and his hand will finish it.” Those words are so strategic in maintaining the work of the builder and the quality of the materials for the building. Consistent personal growth and consistent effort building the house are needed to be able to pass on to the next generation a church, and a model, that will carry on the preaching of the Gospel without diluting the message.

May the Lord help us to stay on course, no matter what the cost. 

Written by 
Brother Thomas Ukwute

Edited by
Jody Ward


  1. It is very interesting to see that what we do and become is the result of the repetition of skills by practice and honing those skills is what helps to grow and become who God has created us and expected us to become.

    God bless...

  2. It is amazing how God will give us the same message in different forms when we least expect it. The children of Israel wandered for 40 years because they forgot all that God had already done. God never changes, but as I grow, my relationship with Him changes - becomes richer; as I realize how very blessed I have been all of my life.

  3. Love it! Thank you Corinne and Jody, for making Brother Thomas' wise words available to us. That was really good, especially if you relate it to women in ministry, and how the personal stories for so many have led to our "platform," or place where we can reach into the painful place in other women's hearts because of our own "small beginnings."
