
What and Who Are You?...Tuesday


When we look at the world we see an old enemy putting on a new face. There has been bigotry and abuse from the beginning of time. Here are a few examples of people who faced intolerance at various times in the history of the world...
  • Native Americans
  • Irish and Italian immigrants in the late 1800's
  • Black Americans
  • Mentally challenged people       
            ....the list goes on and on.

For some the injustices still are carried on against them. 

The most rampant areas of bias that leads to cruel behavior is religion against religion. We see it in the Middle East where Moslem sects are against each other. Moslems hate the Jews and Christians. In this country it was not acceptable to many to be Catholic. My father's family did not like us because we were Catholic, and made life miserable for my parents and me.

We heard about horror of the massacre in an Oregon college. Nine people were killed by someone who was mentally unwell. The real horror of that story was what he said to his victims before he shot them. He would ask them if they were Christian, and then he shot them. They did not try to hide the fact that they were Christian. They died for their beliefs...for Jesus, and that makes them martyrs who are now with Him.

What would you do if you were faced with making a decision to hide your Christianity or to profess it? Would you deny your beliefs in fear. Or would profess who and what you are with joy...regardless of the outcome.

When I think of being faced with this situation I find it pretty scary. Most of us will never have to deal with having to choose to declare or deny.

Please give courage to anyone who finds himself/herself in a situation where a choice must be made about who and what they are. Give them the wisdom and courage to tell the truth about you in their life.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


1 comment:

  1. We need to be ready to stand up for our beliefs no matter what the circumstances. To deny our commitments would only lead to being lost.

    God bless...
