


"So I was afraid 
and went out
 and hid your talent
 in the ground.  
See, here is 
what belongs to you." 
Matthew 25;25


Some of you will remember the parable of the talents.  The master returned from a trip and was upset with the servant who hid the talent and didn't use it.

    If you take a walk around a cemetery sometime, you'll unknowingly see many people who died without realizing or utilizing their full potentials.  They feared to pursue their dreams.


God has given each of us unique talents.  Since we are each "one of a kind," only each of us can use our talents and do what God has meant us to do, be what He has called us to be.

 We need to focus not on our limitations but on God's unlimited power and resources.  Do you have unfulfilled dreams?  Don't be afraid and hide.  Pray about them and seek God's will about them.  He will not only direct you, but He'll provide the means to accomplish His will.  We are all fertile ground and we just need to grow our talents so the fruit will become ripe

Written by
Carol Steficek.

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