

"Live as children 
of the light 
(for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 
and find out what pleases the Lord." 
Ephesians 5:8b, 9

  If you know the Lord and recognize His great gift of salvation given freely to you, you should want to please Him.  This should be just as you would do for anyone you love -- parents, children, spouse, friends.  We love them so we take the time to try to please them.

     How much more should we be focused on a daily basis in pleasing our Lord.  It shouldn't be a burden to read your Bible to find out what God thinks and says.  It shouldn't be a burden to talk with Him in prayer and listen to Him.  It shouldn't be a burden to want to go to church to worship and praise Him for all of His gifts He richly gives us.  It should be a delight to share the gospel message with others who don't know Him because we want others to share in what we have.

    Spending time with Him and sharing His gifts to us pleases Him.  What do we often do -- relegate Go to "if I have time."  He gives us 24 hours every day and pleases us with what He gives us but we give Him so little in return.

     If we are going to be shining lights in this world to people who don't know the Lord, we need to be examples of children who please God by their thoughts, words, and deeds.

Written by 
Carol Steficek


1 comment:

  1. We need to offer Him our first fruits and not our leftovers. Let him be our First Love.

    God bless...
