
"Cleansed In Jesus"...Wednesday

Last week I was getting rid of items in our house that we no longer needed. I came across an old picture frame where the glass had been broken. As I was putting it in the trash I accidently cut my arm with the glass. I did not tend to the cut immediately. I went about doing many other things. Later as I looked at the cut, it did not look good at all. It was very red and swollen and was hurting. I finally took action and cleaned it out well and applied medicine. It is still healing, but because I did not deal with the cut right away, I suffered the consequences of undue pain and discomfort and delayed healing.
I believe sin is like that in many ways. We may let it slide for awhile and go about our life not taking care of it right away. The sin begins to fester and can create all kinds of chaos and unrest and undue pain. Then and only then when it begins to create all kinds of turmoil hopefully we choose to make it right with our Heavenly Father and clean up our act.
God's Word tell us...
"Come now, 
and let us reason together." says the Lord. 
Though your sins are like scarlet, 
they shall be as white as snow; 
though they are red like crimson,
 They shall be as wool."

Isaiah 1:18 
When we repent and turn from our wicked ways, our God is faithful to cleanse us and purify our hearts. He exchanges our sin for forgiveness and wholeness in our life. That is when the turmoil and the all the unhealthy festering is removed and we become healed and at peace with Jesus. He restores us and redeems us as new. We are cleansed in His redeeming Power!
In His Great Mercy and Grace, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful illustration of how we can let small sins fester and then suffer pain needlessly. Thank you for this message today. We can use today to seek forgiveness and then tomorrow be that much more thankful for God's mercy and grace!
