
"Praise Him Always"...Wednesday


Sometimes it is hard to wrap my head around what an amazing God we truly have. He literally gave His life for us because of His great love for us. There is none like our God. And He surely is worthy of all of our praise!

It tells us in Psalms 1:6 

"Let everything that has breath 
praise the Lord." 

We as His living creatures are to praise Him continuously. He is the one that gave us our very breath. Without Him we would have no life at all.
He deserves all Honor and Glory and Power. We can Praise Him now and throughout eternity! He loves the Praises of His People. Not only that, but the Lord inhabits the Praises of His People.

Not only is it beautiful to Praise the Lord and spend time with Him but  He loves, loves, loves spending time with us!

All my days and as long as I have breath, I will Praise the Lord!

In His Glorious Praise, 
Sandy Billingham

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