
Priceless Masterpiece...Thursday


“The latter glory, and the future splendor, of this house will be greater than its past glory,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. “Even though it started out with a glorious beginning, it will have an even more glorious finish.”

“And in this place, I will give peace and prosperity. I grant wholeness and holiness,” declares the Lord Almighty. It is an affirmation of Jehovah.
Haggai 2:9

Many times we go through events that cause us to demean our view of ourselves. Because of the horrible nature of the things we have gone through, we find it difficult to forgive ourselves and our imaginations are tortured as we keep reliving how it all happened.

It may not even be something we have done but is what others have done to us, or said to us, that formed the degrading basis of how we see ourselves. This perception devalues the power of the grace of God, made available through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.

And it might be that it is a failure of the family that has shaped the way we live and depreciate ourselves. This opinion neglects the quality of the transformation that the Holy Spirit brought into our lives.

As a result, we live in self-condemnation and walk in self-pity, victims and prisoners of our past sin and regret.

Here what the Lord said. “The latter glory, and the future splendor, of this house will be greater than its past glory.”

God who saved you, and washed your life in the blood of Jesus Christ, has also fully restored your dignity and self-worth. You can walk with your head lifted high because God has wiped off your old records when He saved you. (2 Cor. 5:17, 1 John 1:7-9.) Nothing you think, or anything anyone will say can change that.

Now you are a new person. You are no longer a failure or the good-for-nothing person you used to be. Now, you are a priceless master piece made by the Master Crafter. (Eph 2:10)

So, you must begin to walk in the newness of life. Know deep down inside that God is restoring all the things the enemy stole from you when you were under his captivity. Having been redeemed you have a better chance for victory, success and prosperity than ever.

Embrace your new-found life and leave the self-inflicted suffering behind. And, do not let anyone or anything suggest to you that you are less than what God says you are. You are His chosen, anointed and blessed child.

Written by 
Brother Thomas Ukwute, Nigeria

Edited by Jody Ward

1 comment:

  1. Ephesians 2:10....(NIV)

    10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
