


"Then Peter got down
out of the boat, 
walked on the water
and came toward Jesus.  
But when he saw the wind,
he was afraid and, 
beginning to sink, cried out,
'Lord save me!'" 
 Matthew 14:29-30


 My Mother had a wonderful focus which she often imparted to me during times of change or distress: "Keep your eyes on Jesus."  This has been a great gift to me and one I try to remember.

     Many people are familiar with this story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus.  First his vision focused on Jesus and he found that nothing was impossible -- he walked toward Jesus on top of the water.  It didn't take long, however, for him to look around and with his vision he saw the storm -- the winds and the waves -- and he began to sink.

     In daily life, we need to learn to focus our vision on the Lord.  We need to see beyond the conditions we encounter, the trials that we face, the disappointments which loom over our heads -- any and all circumstances.  We need to keep our vision fixed on Jesus at all times.  Then we can proceed on our walk through life on more even ground and not have to worry about sinking.

     Don't make your cry "Lord, save me."  

     Make your cry "Lord, walk with me, let me never take my eyes off You."

Written by 
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Peter learned and we should learn that once we keep our eyes on Jesus that anything is possible......even walking on water.

    God bless...
