
"Continual Praise!"...Wednesday


This morning as I woke up.. I had a Praise song on my lips that kept going over and over in my head as well as a scripture that came to mind. That scripture was Psalm 34:1 "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be on my lips."

I love it when the Lord does that. I know that was definitely straight from His heart onto me. I love to Praise the Lord, but sometimes I forget how powerful it is when you Praise Him continuously.

When I choose to Praise the Lord and my focus is on Christ, all my worries and problems seem to melt away. My heart is lifted up and I am soaring with great hope, expectation and joy in the Lord. I am also strengthened in His power and might spiritually.

There are so many benefits when we Praise the Lord with all of our hearts. I become more aware of the Love Jesus has for us and how He desires for us to be more like Him. I am able to hear more clearly what the Lord is wanting to say to me and to draw even closer onto Him. Any pride that I may be carrying is replaced with His humility.

So the next time you begin to Praise the Lord... just keep going and watch the wonders of our Lord began to unfold before your very eyes.

In His Great Praise, 
Sandy Billingham

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