
Deeply Ingrained....Monday

All eyes were on the doctor as he walked around our class showing us the snack trays of some current dialysis patients. As possible future dialysis patients this nutrition class was intended to serve as an intervention and an education to help us manage our health and risks a little better.

Basically, if you found out that consuming your favorite drink (caffeine, soda, whatever) and your favorite snack (salt or sweet) was making your body work harder and complicating your health - would you be able to give it up?

In a brilliant show of understanding the doctor answered that question for us, "Probably not." Our eating is an extremely emotionally ingrained activity, he explained, but they hoped each of us would grasp one gold nugget from the class and work to apply it to our lives.

It's funny how similar eating is to thinking. I know it is not good to keep letting worry, frustration, concern, fears, and doubts run circles in my brain, and yet, as soon as I have a moment's quiet, those very thoughts are making themselves front and center. As I consider whichever issue from as many angles as I can- looking for a resolution- it is frequently many minutes before I remember to just stop and pray. This is the only way I know how to take captive every thought. I say "No" and put the thought aside and pray for God's will to be done in my life and everyone else's.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5 ESV

"Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
James 4:7 ESV

Dear Lord, Your patient and loving care overwhelms us with gratitude and relief. Thank You for helping us get back up on the path of life no matter how many times we end up in the roadside ditch. Whether the struggle is in our hearts or bodies, we can trust that You are watching over us. Please help us to recognize when someone around us needs our patience and kindness. In Jesus name, amen.  
Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Amy Grant performs "Better Than A Hallelujah"

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