


"Since, then, 
you have been raised with Christ, 
set your hearts on things above, 
where Christ is seated at the right hand of God."
Colossians 3:1

     Most people are very health conscious today.  If nothing else, they know their  blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  There are lots of books written on nutrition, exercise, herbal supplements, dieting, and the like.  The goal is to keep your heart healthy so you can lead a productive and fulfilling life.

     The one thing many people neglect today is the spiritual aspect of their lives.  Many have little or no time for God.  Some don't even recognize God at all.

     God wants us to get our focus into the proper perspective.  Yes, it's good to take care of your body -- you need it healthy to live.  However, no matter what, we are all going to die.  No one is guaranteed tomorrow when you lie down to sleep at night.

     Eternity awaits us all.  God the Father has given us the gift of eternal life forever with Him in heaven to all who believe in His Son Jesus.  The Holy Spirit indwells believers to keep our hearts healthy by the Word of God infusing into our hearts and minds.

     Want to truly be heart healthy?  Set your heart on Jesus Christ.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Have you set your heart on a healthy course? Is your heart set on Jesus. Is your heart on fire? If the answer to all of these questions is YES then you are healthy...heart and soul!
