
The Cookie Jar......Monday

I look around the bright country kitchen taking in the white and yellow orderliness of my childhood friend's home. Then I see it. A cookie jar of reasonable proportions perfectly positioned in a ray of sunlight. My heart skips a beat. Is the cookie jar full or empty?

The increasing deception of decorative cookie jars had been on the rise in my life. During that time period almost everyone had a cookie jar. Some held grocery receipts, pencils, little odds and ends that needed to be quickly tucked away. Once I discovered a collection of pennies. My grandfather even had an old cookie jar in his shop where he stored leftovers parts. Frequently the most beautiful cookie jars around stood tall but empty.

Just like cookie jars were designed to hold delicious treats, we as Christians are designed to be filled with a word in season and out of season, which is a fancy way of saying we are to be ready at all times to confront, correct, and encourage with great patience and instructions (see 2 Timothy 4:2). 

According to this verse we are supposed to be ready with kindness, attentive to those who are struggling around us, prepared to show others the way with extreme carefulness, and to teach with great gentleness.

How do I measure up as a cookie jar? When people I know see me coming do their hearts lift? Or do I bring something unpleasant to mind? Does the expression on my face suggest kindness or patience? Do I make cashiers and other service staff work to get positivity and appreciation from me?

and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart,
 with all your being, with all your mind, 
and with all your strength.
 The second is this, 
You will love your neighbor as yourself
No other commandment is greater than these.
Mark 12:30-31 CEB

Dear Lord, please help me to have eyes that see and recognize how I am presenting myself to others. Please clean me out of the any cookies that no one needs or desires. As I read Your Word and pray for understanding, please help me to store all of the morsels I will need to have ready to reach out to those around me with great patience and loving care. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Audio Adrenaline performs Hands & Feet

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Yes, I must continue to ask the Holy Spirit to keep me mindful of what I fill myself with, so those who look at me see me as a true follower of Christ, and not just another lady wearing a cross.
