
The Price We Pay...Monday


This is Christmas Week! There are so many things to do before we finally settle down for the special day. While searching for just the right gift, or flying through the supermarket, you are in good company. As we try to finish our shopping, most of us, no matter what our plan or our budget, take a look at the price tag in order to decide if it is worth what they are asking.

When I am considering a gift, fingering the price tag, I often feel this tugging inside of me, reminding me to consider the cost. We all know that the price tags have been switched in this world. Those things that are truly valuable: honesty, loving care, faithfulness, time spent together, and listening are all in the discount bin. Heavy on our wallets are the material things that can be broken or stolen and that do not matter in the long run.

I admit it is easier to buy my loved one a beautiful gift than to make the effort to carve out time with them in the middle of my busy life. But that’s the way of it! It costs us something no matter what we do. May we all pay attention to the price we pay this season.

Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich;
restrain yourself!
Riches disappear in the blink of an eye;
wealth sprouts wings
and flies off into the wild blue yonder.
Buy truth—don’t sell it for love or money;
buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight.
Proverbs 23:4-5, 23
 (The Message)

Dear Lord, please show me how I may be a blessing to someone today. Please do not let me cause any harm or be a stumbling block to others. Please give me eyes to see and a heart that understands how to pay the right price this Christmas. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

The Newsboys perform "All I Want for Christmas"


  1. It is important to hope for the important gifts for Christmas...not an overload of material things. We hope for love and relationships, happiness, opportunities to have good things to be a part of life, for family joy of togetherness. Most of all we relish the gift Jesus has brought to us that is something that truly is a gift for now and for all eternity.

  2. Thanks Mary for the best reminder this Christmas week Monday. The peace we have as believers can't be robbed unless we give it away .
