

"When Jesus spoke again to the people,
He said,
"I am the light of the world. 
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life."
John 8:12
      As people grow older their vision begins to dim.  This is especially true of night vision.  Most older people don't like to drive in the dark.  Cataracts begin to form which blocks out our light and make vision fuzzy.

     I find my cats fascinating because I can tell they see much more in the darkness than I do.  I have to leave night lights on all over the house so I can maneuver in the darkness.
     Jesus is the only one who can give light to our eternal spirits.  Other religions may say they have
words of wisdom but they all pale in the light of the Word of God.  There are so many "paths" a person can follow which in the end only lead to a dark road.
     Jesus is the light of life.  In Him there is no darkness at all.  Some of you will remember a stanza to the hymn "Amazing Grace" -- I was bling but now I see.  We only begin to see when we recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  He is the only one who can remove our spiritual blindness and give us vision for now and all eternity.
     If you don't know Jesus, come out of the darkness.  Let the Holy Spirit lead you to accept Him as Savior and He will open your eyes.  Walk in the light.

Written by
Carol Steficek

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