
Faith, Constant Faith...Monday

January 4, 2016 

So I am really working on STAYING in faith mode.  As a Christian this should be a constant mind set and not a “Go To” when I am wishing for a good outcome to a situation, or I am concerned about something that is currently going on in my life.  I feel guilty….I feel like a failure when I realize that I am not flowing through life with an auto pilot of faith.  However, I know for a fact that I am doing so much better at my faith walk than I ever have been.  I know that because I am conscious of my lack of faith….which reminds me,
and then puts me back on track where
I need, want and love to be. 

God is also so instrumental in focusing my mind towards the proper faith position.  He is so incredibly incredible that way….. And OH how I love that He works that way!  In His perfect timing He places these lovely messages right in my path.  Like yesterday I read.... “Faith always shifts the battle from your hands to God’s hands.” Well, how about that?  Isn’t that exactly what I needed to read first thing this morning after having a pretty darn rotten day at work the day before?  The truth is, that the day would not have been so rotten if I had kept the faith instead of taking it all on myself.  

I also love this fabulous tidbit?  “If you have faith in the word of God, nothing can stop you.  No word of God is void of power.”  What an amazing fact for me to have and hold close in my heart as I am just beginning a new chapter of life, which includes a new job with much more responsibilities, as well as, adjustments to a completely new working style; which is exactly what I hoped for, but, has been an overwhelming change at the same time. 

Then there is this that I read this morning: 

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed.
Turning to those who were following him, he said,
"I tell you the truth, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel!"
 Matthew 8:10  (NLT)

What an honor it is to impress Jesus with your faith. But faith means believing in Jesus beyond human reason. Are you keeping your faith separate from your struggles in life? Invite Him in. Rituals and obligation do not amaze Jesus. Instead, it's trusting Jesus with your problems, asking for His help, and believing He will provide. 

When I read that this morning I was simply in awe of how He takes care of me.  He knows all my struggles, concerns and worries.  He knows that I have been having some bouts of anxiety over my new position; it has been much more of a challenge than I ever imagined!!  However, today was a breeze, as I kept my FAITH!! 

Not only do I want to be living a healthy headache free life….I more than anything want to please my Father.  One way that I will be able to do that is by showing Him how I am able to walk by faith, not by sight…and most of all walk with my heart full of anxiety- free joyous Christ felt love.  I will be a glorious representative of Jesus simply by living a faith filled life. For all of my days I choose FAITH, along with that come PEACE! 
I have chosen the way of faithfulness;
    I set your rules before me.
Psalm 119:30   (ESV)
Happy 2016….May your days be over flowing with Faith!!

Written by
Kelly Dobyns


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