
INNER PEACE...Saturday


"Peace I leave with you; 
my peace I give you.  
I do not give to you 
as the world gives.  
Do not let your hearts 
be troubled
 and do not be afraid." 
John 14:27

     This Scripture passage is my confirmation verse, and it has served me well throughout my life.  Sometimes it amazes me how true to His Word God is.

     If you took a poll right now among people in this world, whatever the country, I think one of the top concerns named would be peace.  People long for peace.

     Christ gives this peace which passes all understanding to all of His followers in spite of what we see in the world and in spite of everything that life can bring.  This peace is not an "escape."  This peace is the way in which a Christian lives.  We focus on our blessings, are thankful for our gifts, we accept ourselves imperfect as we are because we are forgiven and rest in God's grace.  Above all, we know we are loved unconditionally.

     All of this gives an amazing peace with an untroubled heart.  I am God's and nothing can separate me from Him.  This life is only the gateway to my promised heavenly home.  Only Jesus can give this kind of inner peace.

Written by
Carol Steficek


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